Thursday, December 15, 2016

Poem #19


when I was in the fifth grade my 
friend and I marched from my bedroom 
out to the backyard where my parents were 
gardening and calmly announced that we were going 
to ride our bikes to the shopping plaza a mile or so away

my mother and father exchanged 
a strangled look over the tops of our heads 
then turned their faces towards us forced smiles 
and said ok have fun girls and away we went hair flying

all afternoon most weekends for years thereafter we 
slung our legs across bike seats rode down there 
flung bikes with no locks on the rack by the 
supermarket and wandered around

eating corn dogs and crinkle fries out of red plastic baskets in
orange vinyl booths trying on oversized purple cowl-neck 
sweaters and tiny shrunken jean jackets and one time 
transgressively prom dresses buying candy and tiny 
ceramic animals and babysitters club books and 
ninety-nine-cent bottles of wet-n-wild nail
polish in fuchsia and rainbow sparkle

image source is here

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